Dreams, God’s voice *update*

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for five years plus. Just naturally, not preventing it at all. Last year was the year I really started tracking my ovulation though. I got on this app, tried to baby dance more often than usual especially on ovulation days, but nothing. There have been a lot of months of tears when my period comes yet again, and high hopes for next month. But last year I started having dreams. And I deeply feel it is God saying “hold on”. My first dream was last year, I dreamed that I had symptoms, took a test, it was positive! I dreamt through the whole nine months, morning sickness, baby kicks, nursery prep and finally birth. I even felt a sort of discomfort at this point in the dream. I dreamt after I’d given birth, seeing my husband holding this baby close and kissing them. Next I learned what the sex was because I dreamt we were taking them home and the cutest outfit gave it away. A beautiful minty green and floral onesie and headband told me, this is a beautiful little girl. I woke up in tears, it was such a beautiful warm feeling, even after I woke up. I dried my tears and went about my day. I took a break to play on Pinterest and since I had searched baby related things in the past it suggested stuff to me automatically. I came across this name and name meaning picture. The first thing baby related I saw. It was an Irish origin name, Aislinn, a form of Ashlynn, it’s meaning......:dream. I cried for about an hour! Prayed and praised God. I feel this was Him big time. It was quite a while between my next dream at the very beginning of this year.

It was winter, we had the stove going, I was on the couch and my husband was in his chair. I fell asleep on the couch. When I “woke up” I remember looking over at my husband, seeing his drink left out I got up to put it back in the fridge. As I lean over him to grab the tea he abruptly wakes up startling me. He looks me dead in the eye and says”youre pregnant” I laugh and ask what? He looks at me again still as serious and says it again “you’re pregnant”. Then I really woke up, yes that was all a dream but I swore I was awake. And when I woke up everything was just like it was at the beginning of my dream.

Now before I tell you about my last dream let me say, I took some time off from this app. I felt so stressed keeping up with it, no results etc and I just wanted to be happy. Especially with my best friend being pregnant right now I didn’t want this to take away from my happiness for her, so I haven’t been tracking, logging anything. I check to see when my period is supposed to start and that’s about it for the last 4 months maybe. So even though it’s always on my mind it hadn’t been my obsession. And also for the past few weeks I’ve had random nausea at different points of the day and I’ve just felt different. So that is one reason why I feel this final dream I’ve had so far was something very special.

There i was, I can clearly see me, but also my perspective. I’m looking around but there is kinda just nothing. I guess you could just call it standing in a black void. Then I hear a voice...and I’ve never heard this voice, it’s no one I recognize, but at the same time it is familiar and I am not afraid. I mean if you were in the middle of no where and heard a voice you couldn’t pinpoint let alone identify most people would b scared. But I wasn’t, I just felt warm, that same warm happy feeling from dream one. The voice said “You’re pregnant”, I look and I can also see a confused look on my face, and I ask “What do you mean”, again “You’re pregnant”...I see myself smile, I feel myself smile, I see tears of joy and I woke up with tears. I feel this is God, I know this is God! I just have been absent minded though, between work and all and haven’t bought a test yet. I e had a few people I’ve talked to about it, especially one who just got her BFP after two dreams from God to her and her husband about the sex and names they should call their son! Hey say I should definitely test. I feel like I should just wait until my missed period this month to be sure, but feel like that would be doubt on my part if I don’t test now. So the question now is when to test. Also just prayer is appreciated. Prayer for His will in His time. And prayers for my patience and strength if this month isn’t it. I pray it has finally come! I pray all of our times come! Sorry this was so long. I just had it on my mind and just wanted to share with people. Thank you for reading it whoever makes it through!

I was not pregnant :( but I still hold on to the faith in a God that is faithful to me in everything else. Maybe He is planning this month, the next who knows. But I will be waiting!