baby boy trying to come early.

Ashley • Wifey, mommy of two boys 4/4/11 & 7/25/18

took us 26 hours to stop contractions but we were still having them once an hour.

only 33 weeks and 5 days. my doctor said after 34 weeks they will not try and stop labor.

so to start, I took a bath and had 2 contractions in the bath, asked my fiance what time it was on the second one, got into bed and started timing them, they were every 3-5 minutes apart. so we had to go to L&D; once we got there left my sample and they said that my urine was the best sample they've seen from a pregnant woman (clear like water) got hooked up to the monitors and my contractions were now coming every 1-2 minutes. they did lots of their tests and gave me a pill to help stop them, they did not stop or slow down, they came back in and said I had a small yeast infection and gave me medicine for that as well. then explained another one of their tests and said if it comes back negative we wont have baby for at least 2 weeks if it comes back positive then baby could come anytime. well it came back positive, so from there they said they are going to admit me and gave me a shot in the arm (to help slow down contractions) and gave me a steroid shot. checked me and I was dialated to a 1. once we got to the room they explained they were going to keep giving me this medicine to help stop

the contractions, well they slowed down a little bit but not much. so then their next step was to give me magnesium and a catheter, and hook me all up with lots of different monitors not just for baby but me too. then they slowed down to about 8 minutes apart. I tried sleeping, not very well but then they slowed down to 10-12 minutes apart. so they let me know after my next steroid shot I would be able to go home they took all my monitors off but kept babys on, then contractions were only about once an hour! they then gave me my last steroid shot and discharge papers. today since being home I've only had 6 throughout the day!!! little man really wanted to come early. when we went in we thought they'd be like oh just Braxton hicks you can go home but that was not the case, longest and most nerve wracking 26 hours of my life! my other son was only 4 days before his due date.