Rant from hell. Just want to vent


I just really need to vent. I'm getting to my whits end and I don't know how much more I can take.

So Thursday my fiance went to pick up his long time friend from a place where he was living with three roommates, 20+ cats and his pitbull. The cats had completely covered all of his belongings in pee.

Well, that was a complete surprise to me. As I knew he would move into the room above our garage at our new house, (which we have yet to completely close on).

So his friend, his dog, and his kitten, and all his stuff, move in. We are currently living in a two bedroom apartment.

To recap, that is us, 2 adults, the friend, our one year old, our 9 year old husky, our 4 year old maincoon, his 9 month old pitbull, and his 4 month old kitten.

In one fucking apartment.

So, while the first day starts ok, I get a little annoyed that I have to wear pjs, no big deal, ill get used to it. We cant close our bedroom door, which leads directly to the living room where fiances friend is sleeping. We cant shut our door because if we do it gets too hot for animals because we have a window air conditioning unit.

Second day I show him how to use the dishwasher and washer and dryer, because I'm sick of smelling cat pee from the pile of his items in our kitchen. Well, he stuffed 4 pillows, and 2 comforters in the washing mashine. Water was everywhere. I tell him what he did wrong he proceeds to shove every item of clothing he had into the washer. Doing the same thing again. Ugh! Fine. If I want the cat pee smell gone, I guess I have to do it myself!

Now, the dishwasher, he seems to be unaware he has to do his own dishes leaving them everywhere for me to pick up so my son doesnt get a hold of them.

Day three we are all out of the house for fathers day. Later that night LO is grumpy because he's been in the sun all day and hes tired but needs to eat before bed. Well we put on trolls to keep him happy and calm and hope he will fall asleep starring at it. Well, friend of fiance (FoF from now on) seems to think he has watched too much trolls today (he watched it in the car going over to grandpas) and tells LO "no more fucking trolls youve watched it enough," he shouts, LO cries, he tells him to shut the fuck up. I get pissed say I'm putting on trolls and he can deal with it. Well FOF has a remote app on his phone and wont let me turn it on. I get pissed take screaming child into bed and bitch to OH about it. He says he will talk to him and tells him trolls gets put on whenever LO needs it and to Stfu.

So day 4. This is a big one. His dog has seemed to be a good dog. Letting Lo tug at his ears, good with our dog, and the cats. Well he brought a rawhide into the living room and LO took it from his dog and gave it to FOF 6 or 7 times. Well, the last time, and I have it on tape, the dog bit my son. He didnt draw blood but we are not happy at all! He has a bruise and red marks. So, now, in our small apartment, we have to keep him and my son separate, until we move (which we haven't even closed on!).

Now, after that FOF, took his dog, lifted him 5 feet it the air, body slammed him to the ground, head butt him and bit his ear. I immediately burst into tears grabbed LO who was screaming and ran to his bedroom and called OH who was at work. I told him I was calling animal control and that I was leaving and going to my dads. Well, he talks me down and says that he was pissed off at the dog and was thinking about putting him down. OH tells FOF that there will be no more animal abuse in this house. He agrees. I still catch him smacking his dog here and there.

He tells my ONE YEAR OLD that he needs to learn not to grab stuff from dogs and he wont get bit. Hes one. He doesnt even know what a nose is yet.

Hes eating us out of house and home, we might go through one gallon of milk a month. He went through 3 in 5 days including my LO vitamin d milk. Not including all of our leftovers LO snacks and food I set out for dinner.

He constantly leaves his weapons around where LO can reach them. Knives, bb guns that are loaded, a Razer for god sake!

He checked out our neiborhood to see if he can get any hook ups and gave them our address and phone numbers! So now we have fucking druggies messaging us and showing up looking for him to buy from them! And now he constantly smells like pot! I cant stand pot! My bio sold me for it from 4 to 11 years old!

And to top it off he doesnt have a job, nor is he looking at all!!!!!!!!