Three years progress..


Three years ago I went through a really hard break up. The guy I thought I was going to marry decided that he didn’t want to be with me anymore and decided he wanted to live the single lifestyle.

I was devastated and thought it was because I wasn’t good enough.. I gained around 40 pounds during the time I was with him and blamed the reason that he wanted to leave on that (even though it wasn’t). I took that anger and pain and decided to work on myself and a better me.

The last three years I have been working my ass off to lose the weight I gained while I was with him. I’ve officially lost 30 pounds and 23 inches overall. I’m no longer depressed or reliant on a guy to make me happy. It hasn’t been an easy road (eating 7 cups of veggies a day isn’t easy) but it’s been so worth it 🙌