I just need to vent!

I feel horrible I don't know if it because I'm pregnant or I'm just really tired, I have a 11 month baby girl and pregnant with 31 weeks, I know I didn't wait but husband didn't understand when I try to talk about sex protection until know that I will have another C-section and my pregnancy is in risk to be premature... Anyway most of the time I feel lonely and bored i don't have friends, my mom is not even a little close to here, well to be short it's only him, our baby and I ... he work 6 days a week only Sunday he spent the day with us, every day I spent the day at home cleaning and cooking and taking care of my baby which is not a problem but now I have to rest because doctors told me that I was dilating; I don't have friends not even one... Another thing that is in my mind I been cramping for 2 days but I don't want to go to the hospital because don't trust anyone not even my husband to stay with our baby because he gets mad if she don't go to sleep faster... I do sometimes after hours of. trying but I know that I would not hit her or something he never done that but so many TV, News about it that I don't trust nobody and I always told him to not get mad at her because he barely past time with her, even his family gets frustrated with her and they don't see her alot..