Talking about TTC with my BFF who has fertility problems

lifeintechnicolour • navy spouse • Mom of 3 girls • 🇨🇦

So my best friend in the whole wide world has been through hell the last 5 years trying to conceive with her husband. They’ve been through so many <a href="">IVF</a> cycles I’ve lost count, they’ve had a miscarriage, and have even given up on all of it a couple times. I’ve always been her person that she talks to about her struggles, and it breaks my heart to see her have such a hard time. She’d be the most amazing mom.

Anyways, my boyfriend and I have just recently decided to try having a baby. There’s nobody else in this entire world I want to share this news with other than my best friend, but I’m scared of how to approach it, or if I should even tell her at all. I don’t want to hurt her. I don’t want her to resent me (best friends or not, there will be jealousy, it’s just human nature).

In your opinion, how do I approach this with her? If I end up pregnant, I want to be able to tell her without hurting her. She’s been my best friend my entire life. We’re basically sisters. ☹️