Anyone else freaking out?

I feel like I’m the only one NOT ready for this baby to come. I’m 32 weeks and FTM and I feel like I need so much more time. Yes I’m ready to see her and hold her and be a mom but I just feel like there’s so much left to do. I’m so stressed out about finances. I get 12 weeks off and 10 of those are unpaid and my fiancé and I only have like $500 saved. When we first found out I was pregnant we had to save up to move our own house. These past three months since we’ve moved there have been so many birthdays and things we’ve needed for our house and baby we just haven’t been able to put much away. I’m so scared that 8 weeks is not going to be enough to save what we need. I’ve written it out on paper and it’s almost possible but it’ll be cutting it extremely close. I’m also so stressed because our baby shower is this weekend, and yes I know it’s about celebrating this baby, but because of our financial situation we’re also relying on this to get most of what we need for baby. So far none of the things we really need (diapers, car seat, bassinet, crib mattress) have been purchased off our registry. I’m scared we’re gonna end up buying all those things out of pocket, which we can do but then I won’t be able to afford to take any time off. I just wish I had more time and I knew it would all work out so I could enjoy my pregnancy a little more because it’s going by way too fast. Sorry for the vent but I hate talking about this all the time to my fiancé because I know it stresses him out too and there’s no one else I can really talk to about it.