Is this post partum anxiety or normal FTM anxiety?


I’m a FTM and I cannot stop fearing that my newborn daughter will stop breathing in her sleep or that I’m doing everything wrong. I’m constantly checking to make sure she’s breathing and there are some days where I’m okay then others like today where I literally keep checking her every other minute to the point I’m ready to spend $100 on a snuza hero or buy an owlet to ease my anxiety. I’m also scared I’m doing everything wrong like not holding her neck properly especially when trying to burp her cause she swings her neck back sometimes and I worry she’ll get brain damage or that I’m not inclining her enough during feedings and she’ll end up with an ear infection. Or now my new fear is she will over heat or get too cold so literally every five minutes I’m changing to temp on the ac and she usually sleeps in a halo cotton wearable blanket sack but now I fear she will over heat. I’ll put it on her then take it off within a few mins because Im worried about her over heating. It’s driving me crazy! There a some days where I’m not acting like this and then the following day I will refuse to sleep because I must make sure she’s okay. I literally cried while holding her today because I’m so scared I’ll lose her and I worry when I put her down for a nap that will be the last time I get to hold her. I fear sids so much and I’m doing everything I can to prevent it but I just can’t shake this anxiety. Anyone else feeling the same?