i think my boyfriend needs to move out of his parents house

my boyfriend is 28 and lives at home with his parents. this it's self isn't the problem. both his parents are very nice people but I've come to notice that perhaps it's not the greatest environment for him.

my boyfriend is an alcoholic and this stems from depression. unfortunately both his parents are also alcoholics so there is never anyone at home telling him to cut it back. in fact they encourage it. his dad is also old fashion and gives him shit for not being married with kids by now and not living on his own. hes also expected to be that stereotypical strong male when he struggles to be due to his mental health. his mom also gives him shit a lot when she's drunk and waking him up in the middle of the night about random stuff. she also still baby's him a lot.

my biggest concern out of all of this is the drinking and how he's using it to cope with his depression.

we have talked about his moving in with me but he's super hesitant about it. he doesn't necessarily need to live with me but I'm starting to think this might be a slightly toxic environment.

what do I do?