Let nothing hold you back - or down.

I saw a pair of some of my favourite bands last night: Ninja Sex Party and TWRP. Now, as far as my parents can see from pictures like this, they’re just a weird band where the Jewish singer dresses like some Jewish superhero, the keyboardist is a ninja who flips people off constantly, and the backing band is a bunch of freaks dressed like robots and the one with the cone for a head is RIDICULOUSLY in shape - including being skilled as hell with nunchakus! For me, it was one of the most positive experiences in my life. They mostly do comedy music, but the sheer positive energy they give off to the crowd is amazing enough. They played an unreleased song I won’t describe of course, but it really showed how their dreams have come true no matter everything they’ve been through. It even made me cry at one point. Before the song, Danny (the singer) told us the only way to fight the negative shit in the world is to love everyone, and forgive everyone - most of all ourselves. That REALLY made me cry. (A good cry, don’t worry!) I have never given myself a break. I shit on myself constantly. Danny went through OCD when he was younger, and it was pretty bad. I’ve been going through OCD since childhood badly as well. Seeing him achieve his dreams despite being 39! Not only did it make me incredibly happy to see him happy, it really kicked me in the ass. I’m 22. Much younger, but with dreams just as big. Both bands make me realise just how much joy you can bring people no matter how small you think your dreams might be. I’ve had an emotional day today, after last night. I need to forgive myself, and go on to become who I need to be. Not just to make myself happy, but with the goal in mind to make others happy as well. You know what I did tonight? I started writing my novel. Not a shitty, weak starting paragraph I deleted after hours of staring at it. Four pages, in less than an hour. That is the most I’ve written in a few years, despite writing being my biggest passion.

Please everyone, do right by yourself. Love yourself, forgive yourself, and realise that you deserve to achieve every dream you have, and you CAN do it. If you think no one else in the world believes in you, not even yourself, I do. I will believe in you, always. Whether we’re friends or strangers. Danny and Brian (the ninja) played their first show about a decade ago in the basement of a grocery store in jersey for a crowd of 14 people. Now, they make people smile and laugh and sing daily. You’ve all got this, ladies, fellas, and anyone in between. I love you all ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖🖤