Birth Control and Depression


I went on a new birth control about a month and a half ago. For some background, I have hypothyroidism (Hashimotos disease), and I have endometriosis along with severe depression and anxiety, (I know, I’m in awesome health, right?). My doctor prescribed the birth control to help with the severe pain and heavy bleeding I get from my period due to the endometriosis. Problem is, Ive had absolutely no sex drive, my anxiety has been bad (I’m very stressed out, too. I’ve been planning a move across the country and there’s a lot to do). But the worst issue is the depression. This is the worst depression I’ve ever. I cant go off the birth control because I can’t deal with the pain- I have to work and I can’t call out (which my period makes me do). My mental health is suffering, but without it, my physical health does. I have no idea what to do or how to deal and I’m so miserable. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP.