alcoholic parent. need serious help

Long story mom is an alcoholic and has been nearly my entire life. She's always been physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive toward my brother, father, and me. Her addiction has gotten significantly worse the past few months. I believe she is losing her mind now and I'm feeling lost... The last thing I want to do is call the cops but it seems that's my best bet...

She has had the police called on her before and escorted to a hospital where she was detained and went through detox. This was in February. Just recently she attacked my brother by trying to grab a knife. Luckily (I use that word loosely) she missed and grabbed the knife sharpener (a slim metal pole) and was swinging at him.... All over cleaning dishes... He had to restrain her and he slipped, hitting his head on the floor. I had to physically get in the middle of them and shove her out of the room and lock the door

My brother doesn't want to report her or deal with her due to stress and shes still our mother but my emotional ties to her have died long ago. If she loses her job, we can't afford to keep our home. I want the right way to approach this but I'm fed up. I know it sucks to say but she doesn't want to get clean and i feel it will take her losing everything for her to finally realize she needs to sober up. Once our dad died, the rest of the family wanted nothing to do with us as she is problematic so they have been of NO HELP at all.

Shes been telling neighbors my brother abuses her (absolutely NOT) and shes trying to evict us. We only stayed at home to help her with bills since our father passed away a few years ago from cancer. He left her with everything and she spent it all on booze and gambling....

Any advice from someone who has dealt with this? Moving is tricky currently as we aren't financially stable yet but we are preparing for the worst, of course. We are just feeling lost and defeated right now. We don't want to be around her anymore as even paying rent to help her out, enables her. We both have video and text evidence of her drunk outbursts and are prepared to go to court....just feeling overwhelmed that it came to this...not sure what my next step should be... Help