Ultrasound and possible new DD?

Marion • Mom of a crazy 5 year old and pregnant with my 2nd babe! December babies 🧡💖

I went and got my first ultrasound (for this pregnancy so far) this morning!

baby was wiggling and bouncing all over the place! It was so adorable to sit and watch, especially getting it to experience it with my 5 year old son. He seemed confused about it all at first but overall, he was so happy and excited to see baby finally. 😊

I had thought I was supposed to be around 14 weeks tomorrow, but it turns out baby is measuing at 14 weeks and 5 days! The tech said we might get a new DD, which is cool! ugh so excited for my next appointment!!!!

It's been 5 to 6 years since I've been pregnant and it's reminded me how much I've missed having this experience and how happy it can make you. ❤️

I hope all you mommies are doing fantastic today! 😊