Boyfriend doesn’t want to marry

So my boyfriend and I have only been together a little under a year, but I’m already 4 months pregnant with our baby. We’re pretty well at communicating so it shocked me when I brought up the marriage topic he completely shut down. To be fair while we were dating he told me he’d love to have a family one day, but wasn’t looking to marry. Being stupid, and kind of doubting how far our relationship would go anyway, I ignored the no marriage thing. We haven’t discussed it again until I asked him recently what was his reason for not wanting to marry. He told me he didn’t have one, and just didn’t want to. This conversation took place face to face, but I dropped it because he I felt like he wasn’t communicating well. The next day I asked him again through text and this is his response.

To be honest, it sounds to me like he just doesn’t want to be forced into marriage. Which I totally get, but then again he still doesn’t sound like it’s something he wants in the future 😔 again we haven’t been together long, and I love him. I know he’ll be a great father to our child but I don’t know if I could be with someone who don’t share the same goal as I. Do you think he’ll ever come around? Or should I prepare myself for a break up in the future