Ultrasound Anxiety & Joy


This morning I had a 16 week scan to check anatomy. My first pregnancy involved fetal abnormalities and then ended shortly after our 18 week scan. My second pregnancy was a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. So I do not have enjoyable ultrasounds. And both times I had a particular ultrasound tech who didn’t say much.

I was already nervous going in to the office today and then I saw her. They same tech who has been a part of the two worst moments of my life. And apparently, the one who will be performing my scan today. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I would have really freaked out if my husband wasn’t with me.

We went in the room and she started looking around and my little girl was curled into a ball. I was happy to see her but she wasn’t moving. She tried to get measurements for 10 minutes but she wasn’t budging. She shook my stomach and I changed positions and my stubborn little girl just wouldn’t move. And then, finally, she woke up and started stretching and kicking. And we could finally breathe.

I’m glad I got through this appointment without tears. I’m so glad everything is ok and hope we get to meet this little girl in
