Shamed into drinking alcohol

I’m 18 turning 19 this July. My friend just turned 19 and she was going to have a party, she kept bragging about how she was gonna finally get me piss ass drunk. I stopped taking my medication for a whole week to prepare (worse fucking idea ever).

So when the party came around she kept pushing me to drink more and more (I was advised by my doctor to drink only 3 glasses) and saying how I’m being lame for not wanting to get more drunk. I was already buzzed and not liking the feeling so I tried to slow down but she poured more vodka in my drink and kept making me feel bad. I felt kind of trapped because I went to visit new apartment her out of town so even if I wanted to leave I had nowhere to go.

The next day she was telling me how embarrassing it was that I didn’t get drunk and how lame it was, how I’m such a boring person because I go to bed “early” (11pm isn’t so early?? Like I’m not sorry I like to be well rested all the time😒). She kept this up for 20 minutes not even letting me explain myself and she knows why I don’t drink so it pissed me off she would be so annoyed by me not drinking as if I embarrassed her in front of her new friends.

She invited me to another party tonight for her birthday with her family where she wants to get me drunk again but I have a work orientation at 9 am the next day and I don’t want her to shame/harass me into drinking again. I don’t even want to go the party anyway because I’m just tired of her lecturing me on how “boring” I am now.

She’s a great friend, we’ve know each other for 9 years now but I’m just shocked she would disregard not only my concern for mixing alcohol and my medication but also my many pleas to stop getting me to drink.

I don’t know how to tell her I don’t want to go to the party since she just invited me out of all her friends to celebrate with her family and also because it’s going to be at like 12 am where she knows she’ll be my only ride back home (our families houses are only 20 minutes away from each other’s but it still)