Injectable/iui cycle with no clomid this time around

Jennilee • TTC # 3 since June 2014
Hey ladies! Just wondering if any of you have done any cycles with just strictly injectables without clomid or femara? First round I did a clomid/gonal f/ovidrel/<a href="">iui</a> combo. Had 3 eggs on my right side (no tube due to ectopic pregnancy in 2006) and one egg on my left side.. Cycle failed. My RE said I had a better chance of conceiving on just strictly injectables. This time around I'm doing 150mg gonal f injections with with ovidrel to trigger and 2 <a href="">iui</a>'s. If this doesn't work, we will take a month off then move onto <a href="">ivf</a>. Any success stories with this? Baby dust to all!