What are you experiencing?


Just interested to hear how things are going for everyone, and compare symptoms lol.

I’ve been having Braxton Hicks daily for almost two weeks now. I notice them more at night when I lay down. Nothing regular or strong though.

The past three nights I’ve been fine, then all of a sudden had abdominal cramps and had explosive diarrhea. Sorry for the TMI.

I had my second cervical check today. Doctor said baby’s head is really low and engaged (didn’t say what station) and that I’m thinned (again, didn’t get me a %). I’m also two almost three cm dilated.

Last week doctor estimated baby to be around 7 pounds, this week she’s guessing baby is pushing 8 pounds.

Just tonight I started getting a shooting pain in my rectum periodically. Kind of feels like lightening crotch..

I’m at FTM. I’m 37+4 weeks pregnant.

What’s going on with you guys?