Unicornuate uterus


I have recently found out I have a unicornuate uterus which basically means my uterus is 1/2 the size of a normal uterus. Looking for anyone out there that has a similar anatomy to talk to.

Luckily I found out in my late 20’s and have a lot of options out there...My husband and i have been ttc and after two years of marriage decided to see a fertility doctor. I have amazing benefits and so far this has been an easy financial experience...benefit to being a teacher I guess :) I found out I my unique anatomy through my HSG on Tuesday. Some people have said the pain was tolerable but but experience was excruciating. If anyone wants to know more about my experience feel free to reach out. As of right now our options are Clomid with the risks of multiples with my condition having multiples is a huge safety risk for me and my babies or...<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> with a large expense and pain. Nexts steps are to get an mri to get a better image of my anatomy and see a high risk ob for Recommendstions. Would love to hear what our community has to say about his first. Looking forward to getting to know you all in this difficult process we are all going through.