My husband was where?! (2nd UPDATE ⬇️)


I'm gonna be honest. I was up for over 24 hours and a big grump.

My husband told me about a local band playing at a bar and asked if I wanted to go. I said yes.

The plan, pick up his band member, drop him off at the bar, come get me. I was up for it even though I was tired as shit, figured it would be fun.

He left to go get his band member but I fell asleep. Figured, why not. Hell, he will wake me up.

I was up at 1:00 am.. I call him to make sure he's alright and I was angry he didn't pick me up but I kept calm and said well. Alright I guess. (He said I get extremely cranky when I woke from my sleep and said he wanted me to rest since I haven't slept) (He also says ever since I got pregnant if I don't wake up with food next to me, it's like waking a bear from hibernation 😂)

He says after he may go to a friends house to play music some. So I said alright. You sure? He said said, actually I may just come home.

Fine with me. I said and hung up. I stayed up watching some tv until 3:20am. Still. Not.. home...

I decide to call him and check up on him. Maybe he was playing music at his friends still.

I couldn't shake a bad feeling off though.

He answers but sounds so tired and groggy. 5 beers. And he's drunk. Puking. Hit him hard.

It took me five minutes to figure out where he was. I told him not to drive. Stay. We can pick up the car later. So I pick him up.. he's in his car in an empty parking lot. And he has puke on his shirt and outside his car. Looks horrible. So I help him out and get him into my truck. And we hit the 24/7 gas station.

Go in buy him a water and fill up my tank a bit so we could get home. (Reason why he was gonna pick me up)

"Can you fix me a glass of milk and a peanut butter jelly sandwich?"

All he says while on the way home. And I said yes of course.

He strips down (struggling) into his boxers and lays in bed. I make the PBJ sammich and his milk. And I bring it to him. And he had this goofy ass smile on his face

And I'm like "This poor baby.. lord Jesus, he was fucked up"

He sobered up quick after the water but his headaches pretty bad so I cut all the lights out (we usually keep a mini light on) I mean all the lights. I lowered the temp a bit in the house. (Alcohol makes your body hot. That would help him get to sleep faster) and now I'm in bed. Calm. Relaxed. While he's asleep.

No matter how angry you get at your spouse. It's important to let it go and focus on more important. A relationship isn't always 50/50. Sometimes it's like 20/80.

I was angry at first. But that poor boy.. he had it rough. So I dropped everything and helped him.

Hopefully other couples can read this and think about your SO and or partner. Maybe it will change your way of thinking.

Note: I'm 19, my husband is 22.

Update: Some of you are claiming my husband is a bad father because he got wasted and what not. He was having fun. We both have been through a lot of stress with the new home needing renovations and this man right here has dropped everything for me and our son.

When we go out shopping for groceries he always takes me to the baby clothes and loads diapers and wipes in the buggy, he also picks out outfits and everything for him too.

(Some of you may say that's expected which is fine)

And he takes the indicative to let me sleep on weekends and does the daily chores for me if it's time to do so.

Wash clothes, fold clothes, doing the dishes, even cooks up quick meals for me to wake up to.

And I do the same.

We don't get to see eachother through the week very much. He works Monday-Friday 6am-6pm and I work Monday- Thursday 4pm-2am. So weekends we always take time go make dinner together at home or relax to a movie or video game. Then he (from time to time) pulls out the baby Doppler to listen to our babies heart beating. When we cuddle up and sleep. I sleep in my pregnancy pillow so we don't get to cuddle close like we used to, but he always has his arm over me or on my belly.

Just one drunk night he seems to be a bad person. But, it happened. He admitted it was a bad idea. And at the end of it, he missed me.

I'm so lucky to have him as my husband.

He's even warmed to the thought of getting a mini farm like I grew up on to raise our son on.

I'll be randomly sitting on the couch or laying in bed, and he will crawl outta bed and bring one of the animals for me to cuddle with while I'm relaxed.

And he's actually never got wasted like that before. So it was a mistake and mistakes are learned from. We discussed what had happened and I made a deal. If he decides to go with friends again, I'll pack mini meals for them to sober with.

And he actually said he would rather enjoy his time with me. And go with me. So I told him to next time wake me up.

2nd Update:

We went out to the bar so we could meet up with his friends (some I never met) had the most fun I've had in awhile! The bartenders gave me free water and soda, and pasta salad! And we all had a great time. Billy drank a bit but didn't get sick. And his friends were cool too, glad I got to meet them. We all decided to go to their house after and crash. One of the friends has a 6 month old and she was up all night after. Which has nothing to do with this post but after that. I'm just wanting to see my son. Oh but yeah. We had hella fun!