I need advice and possibly help.


So, I met my husband at the end of March (this year,) and we got married May 26. He seemed to be an amazing man. But recently I’ve noticed things....

Stick with me, please. I know this is a long post, but I really do need advice and help.

I started noticing little differences right around the beginning of May and it has only gotten worse.

To give you a little context...

I have an incredibly high sex drive, and he has a VERY low sex drive. We have had sex 3 times in the past 2 months. Now, for me that’s low. In past relationships I would have sex 3 times a day or more. He keeps a huge amount of porn on his phone (no judgement.) What worries me though is that he can’t get it up for me anymore at all. He just tells me that he’s trying.

Tuesday I miscarried our child. I was only 5 weeks, but it was still devastating.

I have tried to be positive and strive to move on, mostly because Wednesday night he told me that it’s all in my head and that it was just a period. Keep in mind I had spent all day Tuesday in the hospital getting poked and prodded just to prove that it was in fact a miscarriage.

Tuesday night he shut me out emotionally so I messaged my friends, most of them are male since I’ve never been good at friendships with other girls. All of my friends messaged me with words of support.

Right before we got engaged he started calling me a bitch, he always used a joking tone and told me that he didn’t mean anything by it. Then he started saying things like “oooh girl I’ll stab you.” Or “I’m gonna slap the dog shit out of you.”

About the same time I fell at work and had to leave my job. At that point he told me that he didn’t want me to work, and I honestly liked the idea of being a housewife, so I didn’t look for a new job.

He had never done anything physical really. I mean, he slapped me once but it wasn’t hard. I was having a panic attack at the time and he was trying to get my to listen.

Last night he grabbed my by the throat. Me being sarcastic I said “if you’re going to do that you’d better be fucking me.”

The night before last he started yelling at me because when I made the bed, I had put extra pillows on his side. He took offense to me not asking if he wanted those pillows on his side.

There’s been other things, but I’m too scattered right now to think.

Do you think I’m in an abusive relationship? What should I do?