Egg retrieval 6/18..... day 5 update

Danielle • Married, 1 fur baby, 1 miscarriage, 2 TI, 3 IUI’s, 2 retrieval’s, 1 fresh, 4 FETs but 5th times a charm. Baby girl arrived 3/6/2020 💍🐾🌈👨‍👩‍👧🎀💗

Quick back story, 16 eggs retrieved, 8 were mature, 5 fertilized.

Got the call this afternoon and it wasn’t really the news we wanted to hear. We still have all 5 but nurse said they were looking more like day 3’s than day 5’s. She said they are progressing slowly, 2 are 8 cell, 2 are 4 cell and 1 front runner that literally turned into a very early blast 10 minutes before she called me, but still too early to biopsy. She’ll update me tomorrow. Now I need a drink!! Please keep fingers and toes and whatever else crossed for us and if you pray, pray hard!!!