Better Safe Than Sorry

Grace • Just a girl trying to make it through in this material world.

Ladies I had a scare yesterday and I’m writing this because I just really want to express the importance of seeing a doctor or going to the ER if you ever feel something isn’t right in your body.

So here’s what happened:

Yesterday, I was at work. We’ve been busy and I was running around a lot. Nothing unusual happened. All of I sudden I became dizzy and being as I have anxiety I started to panic a little. I sat down and focused on my breathing to relax. Then I started to get this aching pain in my right arm from my arm put down my bicep. I recently started birth control, today will be my sixth pill (Vienva) and I also have a family history of blood clots. Knowing that and having this feeling in my arm I began to panic. I work with my ex, who is still my friend and we are still living together for the time being (super long story 😫). I texted him that I was worried and wanted to go to the doctors ASAP because it wasn’t going away. After failed doctor office attempts (they couldn’t see me until next week) we ended up at the ER. I told them my family history and that I was on birth control. The Dr was very friendly and checked my arm and concluded I more than likely sprained the muscle in my arm, either from sleeping on it funny or from the slightest movement, he still ordered an ultrasound. I saw the technician and she was amazing and concluded everything was clear. I was released with a muscle strain and care instructions.

The point to this story, you know your body more than anyone else. You KNOW when something is off. Don’t ignore those feelings and DON’T brush it off as nothing. I felt something was wrong and it scared me. Peace of mind knowing I’m okay was so worth going to the ER. My father, my cousin, my uncle, & my grandma (ALL on my fathers side passed away from blood clots). I’ll never regret it apologize for “over reacting” to something that has claimed so many in my family. If it concerns you, get it checked out.

Peace and love to all you today and have a safe and happy year. I had to share this so anyone who is on the fence if they should or shouldn’t go.... GO! Get it checked because it’s better to be safe now then sorry later. ❤️❤️ I’m okay and my arm feels better already after some rest!