Over reacting??

Kaitlin • Veterinarian Technician 🐶 Married, and enjoying life with our beautiful girl! 💕 SC

I have been trying to get my 10 month old baby to sleep for the past one hour and a half. She gets sleepy enough and just suddenly sits up and start to play and refuses to go to sleep. My husband is painting our kitchen and past the 45 minute mark I’m practically begging him to trade positions with me and let me finish his job while he finishes mine. He refused, so I try to get her to sleep again and she is just not having it so I’m frustrated and pretty much went off on him. It should be no problem, or is it just my thinking? He should be able to help me. Mommy needs a break. Also, any tips on how to get her to sleep faster? I do this every night with her and I am at my end with it. It’s not that I don’t care for her I love her to death but I feel like he should be able to help me so I can take a little break from it and calm myself as I am “fighting” with her to get her to sleep EVERY SINGLE NIGHTTTT