That moment when.... UPDATE!!!

You know that moment when you’re scrolling through porn online and you finally find one you think may do the trick...

And you start watching it and think hmm I recognize that guy so you pause the video...

Then you look at the guys tattoos....

And it hits you like a ton of bricks


Yupp. I’m not sure about this video anymore... or the situation with my vagina


Umm no I had absolutely NOOOO idea about this. It was totally random! Lol

It’s clearly old bc he has grey hair now and facial hair- he didn’t in the video.. I know like 15 years ago he was broke living out of his car sooo I’m assuming it’s from then.. that’s also about when he was going clean shaven... he hasn’t been clean shaven since I’ve known him in the last 4 years lol

Sooo yes I find it as a bit of a shock but now I’m finding it pretty funny.... I’m not too worried about it- you can tell in the video he was wearing a condom... we all have our dirty little secrets we never expect to be found out. We all have a past and we all do things we regret. I’m not going to make a big deal out of it. I just found it as a big like WTF last night!! 😂😂😂