Confused on my cycle & ovulation date

I've always had a bit longer of a cycle. Usually between 32 & 38 days but mostly around 33 days. With 28 being the earliest & 40 the latest (both rarely though) so I was always told I ovulate approximately cycle day 18 to 22, usually closer to 18 - 20. Well after a long time of unprotected sex with my hubby & still nothing since the birth of our daughter (she'll be 4 in September! ) I went & bought OPK..a 20 pack. I went ahead and tested today, even though today is only cycle day 13. Its positive! So, I guess I've been missing my fertile window for most part (although we've obviously have had sex throughout entire month-just more concentrated after day 14 usually which would've been too late!) I will continue to test each month, until I achieve pregnancy, but if this is my normal then that would mean my luteal phase is pretty long. Ranging from 16 to 24 days! Is this ok? I know having a short luteal phase can increase chance of early miscarriage and even make it difficult for fertilization. Does having a longer than average affect it also? Could this be why it is taking so long? Thanks for any responses! Sorry for such a long post :P