Happy Birthday to me.

My eyes hurt from the intermittent crying I've been doing throughout the day. It was my birthday today, and not one single person wished me a Happy Birthday. Not my husband, mother, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends. No one. I know its kind of pathetic to sulk on this stuff since I'm in my mid-twenties.

But now I'm left wondering if I'm really that awful of a person, that I'm not worth even a text or anything.

Sorry to be so negative. I just needed an anonymous outlet. If you take anything from this, let it be reach out and send just a quick "Happy Birthday" text out to loved ones. Not everyone gets flooded with love on their big days. Sometimes they even go unnoticed.


Thank you ladies so much! It truly means a lot for you guys to take time out of your days to wish me a happy birthday. I wasn't asking for them when I posted this, I was just venting. Unfortunately, there was no turn around to my day. Today it's as if there was nothing else going on. I'm fine though. Once again, than you girls!! 💕