Sick/nauseous and weirdly sore all over after sex?


Hi guys

After I have sex with my boyfriend and he ejaculates inside me, for the next few DAYS my *entire* body is terribly sore, especially my lower abdomen. I also get really terribly nauseous the next few nights where I sometimes throw up. I am on the birth control pill Ocella, which is the generic for Yasmin. I also vape pretty consistently (6mg). I am also on some antidepressants and mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder and c-PTSD.

Is it possible I am allergic to something in his semen?

Also I really highly doubt it because I take my birth control around the same time every morning, but is it a possibility that these are pregnancy symptoms? These issues only started happening like two-three months ago. I did have a lighter period than I generally do like a week ago, but it was red blood/not pink or brown like implantation.

I really would like to get to the bottom of this because I love being intimate with him but hate feeling like total crap for the next few days afterwards.
