Acne remedies?

I'm having a tough time with stubborn chest acne. It's not much, but it's noticeable enough and it just never seems to go away. It's the infuriating under the skin type bumps that start small but itch like a mother so it's very hard not to pick, then it's a vicious cycle of infection and more itchy bumps. (They appear even if I stress to not pick!)
I exfoliate every shower with salicylic acid and antibacterial soap, and my dermatologist has me on TTC safe meds, Finecea and Clindamycin, which have calmed things down cobsiderably, but those evil bumps keep coming back! :(
Any advice or weird remedy ideas? I've recently discovered that witch hazel helps a lot with ingrown hair from waxing so I've been putting that on my chest too and fingers crossed. :/