Husband’s Overtime


Just a bit of venting. Background first: my husband is a shift supervisor at a gas-fired power plant. He works swing shift and picks up extra shifts when they need him to. Basically a model employee and friends with some of the higher ups.

He send me a message from work saying that he’s heard that they are considering having him run the “outage” this fall which is where they shut down the plant and do maintenance on everything. So he’d be working minimum 10 hour days. For 35 days. In. A. Row. The outage is scheduled October 13 - November 15. I’m due the 26, but have large babies and it’s doubtful I’ll make it that far. We already have two girls, aged 5 and 2. My parents live 2 hours away and have custody of my 13 year old niece so my mom can’t exactly drop everything to come help. His parents live an hour away and his mom still works full time.

I was already a bit stressed with the what-ifs of labor while he was working his regular shifts, but this just adds a whole bunch more “well shit” to it. After the first few days of working he’s going to just work, eat, sleep repeat. This outage would be a huge opportunity for him at work and he’s really not in a position to decline.