Hello and thank you!


Thank you to whomever created the group. When I first posted anonymously asking Glow for a group, I didn’t know you could create on your own!

My story: Met my boyfriend a few days before I turned 39. After a year we decided we would TTC because of my age so I have spent all of year 40 TTC. In February I went to a fertility specialist and did 2 rounds of Femara. 3rd cycle I did Femara and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. 4th cycle was my first with Follistim and Ovidrel, with Endometrin inserts 2x a day. Just started my 5th cycle this week with Follistim and Ganirelix.

My tests all come back fine. I’m regular like clockwork. Hormone levels are great, the HSG dye test was clear - no blockage or polyps. My boyfriend is 36 and has super sperm. High volume, counts, motility, great morphology. He should bottle his stuff and sell it. 🤣

I’ve never been pregnant that I know of. I was on birth control for about 17 years and stopped about a year before meeting my boyfriend. I got my period right away when I stopped and my cycle was regular.

Boyfriend is tired all the time due to work. I have a high stress teaching job. We each own our own houses. He has a 14 year old. I’m hoping this summer off will be the trick. This is month 10 of TTC. I couldn’t start until after major sinus surgery in August.