I’m crushed....


My boyfriend and I have been together for 11 years. We’re basically married just haven’t taken the steps to get married because we wanted to spend the money on a house, which we did. We want nothing more than to have kids of our own. We hit road blocks financially after I took a job that ended up being a complete bust and set us back. Fast forward a year and I’m finally in a job where I can support myself. Our agreement was to be stable before we started TTC. Which any normal person would do. I’ve had baby fever going on almost a year. It doesn’t help my friends are having kids left and right and I’m just sitting here twiddling my thumbs. And now after tonight I’m going to have to wait even longer. I finally was able to sit down and talk to my boyfriend about trying to start a family and he wants to wait at least another year so we can build our “nest egg”. He wants to have a whole years worth of mortgage in savings before we even start trying. Am I crazy to be sad and upset? I’m literally turning 28 on June 27th and he’ll be 30 next year. I just feel like we’re pushing it with our age and I just don’t want to wait a year. I literally broke down in our kitchen tonight because infertility issues run in both sides of our family and we’re like Murphy’s law. Anything that can happen will happen. I’m just worried that we will have waited so long to even start trying that we’ll hurt our chances of getting pregnant quickly. Please I just need some advice.