
So, we have been trying for almost a year now(I know that's nothing compared to some). I've never been through anything harder on my emotional being. I'm 21 years old, I have PCOS, I don't ovulate regularly or get 28 day cycles, and I'm just angry. I'm perfectly healthy in all other aspects. So, if God knew that I had always wanted to be a mother, why did he make it so hard for me?

I just want to give my step-son a sibling, and I want to give my husband another child, but I'm the reason it's not happening. Every negative test, I'm crushed. I'm just angry.

Until this morning....God said, "You're going to be a mom. Don't fear and doubt so often. Haven't I always been good to you? Haven't I always come through? I know the desires of your heart and what's important to you. Trust me always. I love you "

Sometimes I get so lost in all the physical pain, emotional pain, but I never look at the pain that it's taking on me spiritually. This was a good reminder to myself, and hopefully to someone else that God knows the desires of our hearts, and in HIS time, we will all be blessed with our little peanuts ❤