“Perfect” marriage

I would like to start off the saying please no judgement on how I got married. I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant, my parents were fully supportive. My husband and his parents came to talk to my parents about the whole situation and asked my parents if it was ok for me to move in with them but my parents said “No they have to get married before she does that” my bf was happy but i wasn’t. I felt pressured to get married, I wasn’t happy and I could tell that his mom wasn’t happy either. As soon as I moved in i felt unwelcome. His brother would talk bad about me and so would his parents, I would offer his mom for help but she would always decline and then tell my husband that I wasn’t doing anything. My husband and I would constantly fight because I wasn’t happy with our living situation,I had a good job but my husband would keep saying don’t work, I make more money then you and other stuff. So I quit which I regret and I didn’t know this at the time but my husband was already in debt!! He wasn’t good with money which also was part of our fights. So later on I had my son and I thought everything was good now. We moved out of his parents house and I thought we were good, we weren’t angry all the time I was crying myself to sleep. But then we i got pregnant again and that made us fight again. We were thinking about separating because we weren’t happy but I wanted to fight for us because I didn’t want to put our kids through that. After awhile we made time to talk about our feelings and how we can better our marriage. Out of nowhere he decided to join the military, it was so hard supporting his decision but I didn’t want to say no. He was away for 7 months. He wasn’t at the birth of our 2nd child and he might him when he was 5 months old. The time he was gone made me realize how much I love him and how I know now that I want to spend my life with this guy. We have been married for 2 years and I am glad we stuck through that rough patch. Marriage won’t be easy but that doesn’t mean you should give up on it easily.