Slowly sinking in depression.


Tomorrow is AF day. Am I happy about that not really, what am I feeling? Scared, nervous, anxious. I tested yesterday using first response digital and yes I saw the big fat NO- just the sight I wanted to see (being sarcastic) I have been on edge that I won't even let my husband cone close to me, we have done anything for 10 days and because I feel so down and bummed I'm not feeling the whole sex scene. Even when he cuddled at night I love it, but lately it feels his cuddles are just all wrong, and I get agitated, so we just face each other and falk asleep. I feel bad. And I don't know what to do.

I'm even at that point where I've told him I feel shitty because I'm 8 months I haven't been able to give you a baby and he's so amazing and positive that he's like you know you having gotten AF yet, until that happens there is still hope and till then I believe you're pregnant. Just have hope and get out of being depressed and cheer up and pray to God ( believe me I do pray) and just be more positive.

I'm just a crying mess when he's telling all these sweet things and I'm a crying mess when I'm telling him how I just give up.l and how we haven't done anything for so long.

How to I change my mind set and just be happy and keep hubs happier?? Cuz if AF comes I'm gonna be extremely upset.