Suddenly not feeling myself

So I recently started on these new birth control pills. Prior to taking them, I had no serious issues with my looks or body, at least not for many years. I’ve been on them for almost a month now, and I feel so so so fat, and my skin is breaking out and I’m so uncomfortable in my skin. I have dermatilomania, so the acne looks even worse than it actually is because I can’t stop picking at it, which makes me feel even uglier. Logically I know that I’m not, but for some reason I can’t get a grip on myself.

The pills are making me crave all sorts of junk food that I normally would only want on occasion. I’m a very active person but I feel like all the exercise I do isn’t doing anything to help me. I’m a novice powerlifter and a veteran crossfitter for a little perspective.

I haven’t felt this bad about my body since I was 15.
