Going to be homeless this year. (Greater Seattle area)

Though I make good decent money and do not live very close to the city I will sadly this year be unable to provide for my kids and I the rent is far to hight even for a studio and I also can’t imagine 3 kids and a dog in a studio apartment.

I luckily have a car and my kids have a father so they will have someone to go (it’s complicated I can’t stay with their father), my parents are also not an option. I’m just so disappointed that the place I grew up with has let this happen. I work full time, I’m educated, I make WAY over min wage. I’m just wondering if anyone has gone through this and would like to feel the frustration. I’ve lived alone since age 17 so 6 years later this is really hard for me and I’m pretty depressed about it may not be able to get out of this.

I’d like to add I don’t qualify for section 8, or low income housing. I make enough that I should be able to but when it comes down to it I would ONLY be able to afford the $2,000 + rent hardly and would not be able to afford any utilities, or gas. I do have other bills that need to be paid. I’m no slacker. I just have 2 kids and more bills than just rent and utilities.

Also i live in a more affordable sect. Still can’t afford it, and if I move any further away I would have to leave my kids completely behind because I couldn’t afford child care I’m not trying to say woah is me but these are just the facts I am facing. It’s me and my kids in one home. I get help with their needs via their dad but I don’t have a second income it’s looking like I will end up moving somewhere out of state but that also will take time and money I was just hoping to share frustration of what these businesses have done to my home.