I have a question but I’m kind of scared to ask.

Tatyana • Aye👌🏾 David Jr born May 2nd 🤱🏾

Do any of y’all sleep with the baby in bed? Right now me and my so literally take shifts staying up while the other sleeps because the baby won’t sleep in the crib or bassinet. Only in our arms. I got a bed rail for our bed. And it’s one where you cannot get trapped between the bed and rail. But I’m scared to do it. So I’m up holding him and I don’t know what to do. Some say sharing the bed is easy for breastfeeding, and someone said I’d roll over and kill my baby if I put him in bed. But my friend told me she slept with her baby since she brought her back from the hospital. I guess I just need some advice. What would y’all do? I feel so stupid y’all.


He slept in bed with me last night and didn’t wake up until around 7:30. I must have woken up every hour to make sure he was ok. He started of on his back but when we woke up at 7:30 he was at my chests trying to eat😂😂😂 now after feeding him he is passed out. So I’m holding him in our living room.