Previous uterine rupture

I know this is a rare occurrence so my question is a shot in the dark, but has anybody suffered from a ruptured uterus while in labor and went on to have a healthy pregnancy & baby? I have 3 girls of my own, all delivered vaginally. However, in August of 2013, while in labor with a surrogate baby (my first surrogate pregnancy), my uterus ruptured and had to undergo and ER c-section. Luckily, I didn't bleed much and my uterus was able to be saved and sewn back up. My Dr. assured me that another pregnancy would be safe--just considered high risk and a repeat c-section would be done between 35-37 weeks. I got a second opinion and was told the same thing. I'm now 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow and doing my best to not think of possible worst-case scenarios...