Lip tie and breastfeeding


My LO is 7 weeks and had tongue tie which was fixed at 10 days old, and he has lip tie which be fixed at 10 weeks old.

I ultimately gave up breastfeeding at 10 days pp because it hurt so bad. I almost lost my supply and started pumping at 19 days pp and was only getting .5 ounce. I went from 2-3 ounces per session to .5 ounce. At 4 weeks pp i started putting him back on my breasts hoping to increase my supply and stop giving formula. Well, I noticed he had lip tie. I read up that having lip tie could make it hard for babies to pull milk out. He can feed for 45min-1hr on my breasts and still take 2-3 ounces of formula.

My question is for those who had lip tied babies: after the lip tie was revised, was baby able to pull MORE milk than before the revision ? I’m really hoping to EBF but I’m getting discouraged by the amount of milk I’m pumping and by the fact that he’s not happy with just my boobs.