Mental health

Sarah • Emelia the divine 🌻

Let’s talk about it...

I suffer from multiple mental illnesses. Ones as common as depression and anxiety. To others like borderline bipolar and schizophrenia. I’ve grown up my whole life being quiet about it and to keep all my feelings to myself.

Why would anyone do that?

Well because no one wants to talk about it.

Why not?

Well because there is something funny about life and I’m here to tell you about it. We all grow up believing we were meant to keep quiet whether it’s as simple as you were a child and you were crying and your mom told you to stop crying or you grew up being beaten that you must stay quiet and not express your emotions. But when you become mentally ill from bundeling up your emotions your whole life, society now looks at you less. As if your whole existence was less than because of a diagnosis.

Which isn’t true.

The stigma behind mental illness needs to stop. People fight wars everyday that you’ll never know about whether it be on the battlefield or in your head. War is war. No matter who’s fighting.

Stop making it seem as though a person with a mental illness is unworthy. No one deserves that.

I’m here to tell you how to help yourself.




I don’t care if no one else wants to hear it. Talking can save your life. Reaching out for help can save your life. I’ll listen to you if no one else wants to. Just talk about it. Cry about it. Hurt about it. Then let it go. No one can do this alone. No one can. I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. No matter how alone you feel, there is someone out there going through it too and trust me they are crying out for help just like you are. So talk about it.