Should I let them induce me ???

My last appointment at 38 weeks they had to do a fetal stress test because baby has not been moving like he normally did before, they also did a sweep to try to dilate my cervix and they told me if I’m dilated they will break my waters at this appointment coming up and induce me.

Baby’s movements are still slowed down he doesn’t kick very much and it makes me so nervous sometimes He doesn’t move on his own i have to do something such as drink ice water lay on my side or poke at my stomach. Before he kicked all day all the time this makes me so nervous.

I’ve also had horrible tailbone and hip pain since week 36 enough to make me cry. The doctor knows I’ve been very uncomfortable and that’s why they’re offering to induce me. I’ve also had to be on antibiotics 4 or 5 times this pregnancy and I don’t want to be on them again at week 34 I was diagnosed with BV and I’ve been having the same symptoms even after the antibiotics for about a month now and the same discharges. Is it worth being induced or should I just wait another week?? I’m a first time mom and I’m absolutely terrifed of something happening to him that’s why I’m considering getting induced because of the whole movement thing but I read the risks of being induced and I don’t wanna put him under stress... please share your opinions and experiences what you think I should do ....