Missed Period...???

Me 👼🏻 7/26/19; 👧🏽 6/1/20

Quick background:

- married, 29yrs old w/ irregular & heavy/1wk long periods most of my life

- period regulated beginning 2017

Moved & started new job 7/2017

- Diagnosed with HPV & CIN2 cells on cervix 7/2017 (1st day of new job)

- LEAP procedure successfully removed 9/6/2017

- 2 close family member deaths & stress 9/1/2017 & 10/20/2017

- no period til 12/2017; lasted 3 weeks and into 1/2018

- period 2/2018 - 5/2018

- took Progesterone from doc 3/2018 - 5/2018

- periods seemed more regulated & no more huge clots/heavy


- spotted off and on for 2 days (normal from procedure)

- biopsy came back normal, HPV Negative, normal PAP

- doc gave the go ahead to TTC 👍🏽

- slight cramps 6/14/2018 & 6/15/2018 (expected period time)

- strange slight pinching off and on for a few hours in middle of pelvic area 6/25/2018

- no period since 5/2018 & negative HPT today 6/27/18

- very tired, I could sleep all day for past 2 weeks (usually more tired before AF comes)

I know that stress significantly throws off my period, and it was stressful getting the biopsy and waiting for the PAP results based on last year’s results.

Has anyone else missed their period after an Endometrial Biopsy? No period may mean no ovulation. Please help...All responses are appreciated. Thanks!