Anatomy ultrasound..


Had my anatomy ultrasound today at 18w 1d, and I just need some reassurance!!

I had a different ultrasound tech this week, and she honestly kinda freaked me out. Needless to say I’m not too fond of her!

She starts the ultrasound, and baby girl is completely curled up. Like... head to her knees, completely in a ball. So I’m thinking, you know I’m sure this is normal, but she starts saying things that make me nervous. She’s like “I don’t understand why she’s not stretching out” and “Why is she still curled up?” Now I’m not one to stress too easily, so I didn’t care too much.

Until she takes a look at baby girls leg (cuz that’s pretty much all she could get), and says “Wow....... wow.... really really teeny”. Like with a sombre voice. Not like a positive, don’t worry voice. And she looks at the amniotic fluid and measures that and says, “Well that’s on the very low average side”. How she said everything was all VERY seriously. There was no positivity in her voice.

So now I’m stressing about the fact that I’m NOT growing. I have no belly; and I’ve lost weight! And my baby is apparently “really really teeny” (but she’s measuring 7 oz which my doctor said is normal?!?) And she has tiny legs and wouldn’t stretch out and my amniotic fluid is very low and 😩😩😩.

My doctor met with me right after and said, everything looks great! I want you to come back in 4 weeks for a repeat ultrasound since baby was curled up. So I felt definitely relieved by my doctor, but I still need some reassurance!!

Is this normal?!?