Schizophrenia in significant other

long post but need support/advice from people who are somewhat educated in this or have someone they love with this diagnosis;

when I was about 14 I met a guy and we became very close. when we were younger he did weird things like sniff my pillows, seem kind of overly obsessive etc but never anything physical or worth being scared of. he contacted me last summer(21 at this point) and we reconnected and he came out to me that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I accepted him for his mental illness and we started dating. at one point he started saying rude things to me like he wish he had never met me or started talking to me again and I broke things off because it hurt me. he blocked me on everything and started dating a new girl but in May of this year he started contacting me again and I found out through his family he has been having basically a 2 month long episode. I took the initiative to let them know he wasnt taking his meds and got him put in the hospital and have been having a hard time coping with his breakdown as I have never seen him like this. I worry about what will happen next, will he be normal again or will his schizophrenia be worse, and if he will be able to lead a normal life again like he had before. he has changed a lot in less than a year, but I also worry about what this will mean for our relationship. I worry about him possibly hurting me, or if we decided to have children if they would be okay in his care as he seems to get annoyed easily and yell at younger children but I dont know if it's because of stress and not being stable or if that Is something common? I truly love and care about him and would like stories from other people dealing with similar things or people who are further into a relationship with a diagnosed schizophrenic or has family who has this diagnosis.