losing the TP battles


so my husband has ibs, I have crohns and am 17 weeks pregnant, and we have a toddler potty training. needless to say, we go thru a lot of toilet paper.

so lately my husband has been finishing the roll and not putting a new one on.

this has been annoying but ive been telling myself w.e. if that's the worst he does I really can't be THAT upset with him.

until last night when pregnancy hormones got the better of me and my anger fueled! screw this. let him replace the roll and deal with this!

so I left the roll empty and made sure the rest was in the closet so he would need to go and get it or so I could laugh at him when he needed to ask me for it.

well... then two am rolls around. I wake up in a stupor and stumble to the bathroom bc my bladder is full and baby's using it as a bouncy castle. I was so relieved to go. until the realization set in. he never replaced the tp.. and its two am.

realizing I now need to go and get the tp out of the closet, I swallow my pride and waddle my pantless ass into the hall to find more tp.

after that, I left all the tp in the bathroom and went to bed in shame realizing I lost the battle my husband doesn't even know we were in. Damn you pregnancy hormones for getting the better of me.