Scent/smell cravings during pregnancy


Yes you read that right. Please don’t judge me 🤦🏽‍♀️😂

Has anyone ever experienced scent cravings. Like the need to smell a certain scent. Ill be 32 weeks tomorrow and I’ve noticed that for like the last week I’ve literally been craving the smell of my soap or other “clean” smells like laundry detergent. I’m not stranding over sniffing them because I know that can be potentially dangerous but this is so weird to me I haven’t had any actual food cravings throughout my pregnancy but now I’m smell cravings lol this is weird to me. I’ve never heard of it I googled it so I know I’m not alone just looking for some personal stories


Thanks ladies. I told my mom and sister and they looked at me like I was crazy because obviously this is a NORMAL thing for pregnant women. I’ve always heard of smell aversions but never smell addictions 😂