Could I be pregnant?

Long story short(ish), I had an iud put in 6 weeks after my second daughter was born ( she was born December 2007) and then when the 5 years was up (feb 2013) I had another put in and just had that one removed June 9. I never have a period through both those IUDs except maybe spotting for 2 days 2x a yr. if that. Well idk when af is supposed to visit But I have been having pregnancy symptoms (nausea, headaches, mood swings, food cravings and aversions, constant peeing, mild cramping within the last week, very mildly tender breast and nipples, I took two frer tests last weekend (one on July 4 that wasn't taken with fmu and one july 5 that was taken with fmu) the first one came out bfn the second I saw the faintest line. Well this weekend I took two more (one last night, bfn and one this morning, also bfn) could I still be pregnant or is this all because my hormones are still outta whack?!