Almost one years old!!!


So my love 😍 bug 🐞 i almost one and he isn’t sitting up, or even trying to he hate to lay on his stomach i try to get him to stand but he don’t like to put weight on his legs he is very weak he eats a lot he take a five ounce bottle with cereal and whole thing of #3 baby food with the chucks but it seems he isn’t gaining any weight i went to the doctors and they gave him therapy I’m also doing it at home wit him but nothing is working I’m very scared cause I’m having my fourth son in November any one else went through this and if so what was the out come “he suffers from delayed development” and every one in my family keeps saying giving him time give him time well i don’t want him to be 2years old him this state 😓....

I’m just scared basically and i hate i don’t know what’s going on with him 😩