I’m officially on bedrest until further notice. HELP.


I don’t know what to do, I need to have some kind of steady income until my son is born and up until I can send him to my moms’ or daycare and go back to work.😩

I literally started my job working in a hospital as an inpatient pharmacy technician 2 weeks ago and now I’m flipping out because obviously they can’t hold my job for that long. I’ve been a tech since I was 18 years old and this was a huge step for me and I’m devastated.😔

I guess I’m not only glued to the idea of health care related work from home jobs, but if so cool. I’m willing to do almost anything except sell for pyramid scheme companies. I don’t support companies that give false claims of weight loss and overall health and aren’t FDA regulated, sorry. There are some companies I buy from but I am not a sales person and I can’t rely on that kind of unsteady income nor am I willing to pay into it.☺️

I don’t have a bachelors in anything or my degree at all yet, just certifications. I’m a Pharm.D student (doctoral program) and there is no middle pathway where you end up with a bachelors and then go to grad school..you do 2 years of pre requisites and 4 years of the doctoral program and that’s it. All or nothing. So for jobs that require specifics in education I’m not qualified.😭

Any suggestions?!🤞🏻 TIA!!❤️